Once Upon a Time...
Late in 2014, Julia visited Emma & Jarno in Finland. During her trip she helped Jarno to brew some beer. Doing that sparked the idea of brewing beer for the wedding, but without any brewing equipment, it didn’t seem likely to happen.
Back in Coventry, she bumped into her friend Marcus in Asda (next to the tea bags) and somehow the brewing idea came up in conversation. Marcus said he’d brewed beer once before, about five years ago. He was sure that with a bit of practice, we’d be able to brew something in time for the wedding.
And so, just before Christmas, the beer production began. Whenever there’s been a spare weekend, there’s been a brew day! Along the way we’ve used over 100 kilos of malt, a kilo of hops, around 1000 litres of water, and we’ve cleaned and sanitised nearly 1000 beer bottles. It’s all been a bit bonkers. However, we achieved our mission: We made beer!